The extraordinary simplicity of a bite-size fiordilatte mozzarella, in strands or in pizza cubes. Fiordilatte Mozzarella lattefieno packs in the taste and freedom of mountain cows, following the natural seasonal cycles, grazing on mountain hay and producing their milk with all the calm they need.
Our products are certified and subjected to strict controls by the ICEA control body, and are intended for pizzerias and people whose focus is well-being and health, as well as healthy and balanced diets, based on a culture that places increasing importance on considering and paying attention to nature's well-being.
Thus in 2018 the product line "MIA lattefieno was launched,"a fiordilatte mozzarella made with milk from cows grazing exclusively on organic hay. A product with a very short supply chain, working closely with milk producers in the Lessinia mountains.
Three formats available: